Our coaches provides group lessons
Annakov Chess Academy now offers three curriculum based group chess lessons on Saturday mornings. Classes are limited to a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 students. The curriculum will encompass all aspects of the game, from
beginning to end, and also include lectures on skills for tournament play. The lectures will focus on accomplishing tangible progress in players skills and knowledge as well as cultivating a disciplined approach to thinking and solving problems.
Class levels can vary from novice to Expert (USCF Rating up to 2200). 25% of the lectures will be lead by GM Annakov and 75% of the lectures will be led by NM Kalin Nonchev. Classes in each group will start as soon as the minimum number
of students has been reached and the curriculum will be built to continue until August 4th. New semester series will begin in August 2018 until December 2018.
The academy will hold three curriculum based series per calendar year allowing students to extend their progress.
Class times:
Group A 9am-9:50am,
Group B 10am - 10:50am,
Group C 11-11:50am.
Class levels for upcoming lessons will be formed based on background provided at the time of application as well as during initial assessment on the first day.
Class cost: $40 per lesson or $35 per lesson if course is prepaid. Students must sign up for a minimum of 4 classes. Students can join after the series has started based on availability and have the option to prepay all classes remaining at $35 per lesson.
Opening hours
- Open daily
9 AM - 8:30 PM
- except on Thursday
- Thursday
9 AM - 1:00 PM